
Olivia Pledger
Indulge in a Coconut Milk Bath Like Cleopatra: The Benefits for Your Skin and Well-Being

Indulge in a Coconut Milk Bath Like Cleopatra: The Benefits for Your Skin and Well-Being

Looking for a luxurious and relaxing way to pamper your skin? Try using coconut milk powder in your bath! Not only is it moisturizing and soothing, but it also has a delightful aroma that will transport you to a tropical paradise. Plus, it's believed that even Cleopatra herself indulged in coconut milk baths for their skin-loving properties. So why not follow in her footsteps and try it for yourself?

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Olivia Pledger
Spiritual cleaning baths | the new way to bathe

Spiritual cleaning baths | the new way to bathe

Made famous by the Ancient Romans, ritual baths and now spiritual cleansing baths can help you reset your energy and dose into a mediative state. The incorporation of crystals into your bath is said to permeate the bathwater with its healing powers. So rather than just holding a crystal to your body, you can engulf your entire body in healing energy. 

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Olivia Pledger
The Shocking benefits of Dead Sea Salt Baths

The Shocking benefits of Dead Sea Salt Baths

If it’s good enough for Cleopatra! You may be familiar with Cleopatra for her milk bath’s but did you know that she was actually a bigger fan of Dead Sea Salt baths? She even put her famed beauty down to her salt baths rather than her milk baths! Her love of Dead Sea Salt even led her to persuade Marc Anthony to conquer the regions surrounding the Dead Sea so that she would have exclusive access to the sea. Cleopatra used the Dead Sea extensively in her beauty regimen, and she commanded that infrastructure be built around the Sea so...

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